The holes in the sky above La Rochelle
There are holes in the sky
where the rain gets in
They’re ever so small
That’s why the rain is thin
(Spike Milligan)
Remember this photo of a part of Les Minimes Marina from 5th August last year? Entitled “We’re in there somewhere” Well we were and we are. In about the same place.
Now the interesting thing about the photo is that it really did look like the heavens were about to open. They didn’t. At least not on us.
But this year, on August the 8th, we were not so lucky. The forecasts all had it bang on: – rain with thunderstorms and torrential frogs, complete with cats, dogs, stair rods and any other superlative you care to mention that would indicate you ought to be under cover in a marina that afternoon.
It rained:
Viewed from the rear towards the slip and capitainere
And then it rained some more…..
View from inside the cockpit cover which, being alert to the forecasts we had put up just beforehand so we could sit up on deck and be smug……
And then the sun came out 🙂
PS Between this and the last post we’ve been in Ile D’Yeu (as fantastic as ever), Les Sables D’Olonne and Bourgenary. More on these as time permits