‘Allo ‘Allo
Just to let you know a new season is underway.
We are in Arzal, it’s the 29th July. Perishingly hot at 28 degrees in the day and not a lot of air around. The water temperature is the same! Yuk. The evening temperature as I write at 930pm is 24. Double yuk. The water is still 28…triple yuk…
Can’t wait to get out to the freshness of the sea, which we will do Wednesday
The view from here is pretty much like last year:
And that’s because we are in the same berth. D137.
If you are seeing this and didn’t see any of these posts last year that’s because over the winter I added a few contacts to the distribution list. Unsusbcribe if its not for you (there a link to do it at the bottom of the email)
Our itinerary this year takes us down to near Bordeaux where James and Zoe will join us for a week from 16th August and thence back to la Rochelle.
And after that? Who knows? Michele has retired. We booked a one way trip on the ferry. Come and join us.
More to come once we get underway.